Environmental Media,


& Impact

Latino Verde

  • Engages audiences in environmental affairs through trilingual, research-based storytelling from a Latino perspective;

  • Educates the Spanish speaking public about climate change adaptation, activism, conservation and environmental sciences;

  • Supports Latinx students and young professionals with guidance and resources for career paths in environmental sciences and sustainability.

Our current projects include:


Latino Verde: Nuestras Historias

In this digital and radio series, we collect stories from Latino/Latinx organizations and environmental leaders who are actively working on environmental challenges related to conservation, climate change, and environmental justice. These conversations educate audiences on critical environmental issues through the voices of community leaders, activists, educators and frontline professionals with lived experiences in environmental initiatives and climate change impacts. The trilingual Latino Verde website also serves as a resource for US-based Latinos interested in pursuing environmental careers and community action.


Latinxs in Sustainability

LIS is determined to address and reduce the barriers that have led STEM fields, and environmental and climate fields specifically, to be among the least ethnically and racially diverse across all disciplines. Our goal is to establish and facilitate pathways for underrepresented and under-resourced Latinx communities in an effort to diversify the sustainability workforce.

LIS has held over 20 events, reaching over 2,000 persons, and showcasing over 50 Latinx professionals.


Feel free to contact us with any ideas, questions, or comments!

